Whew, see what I did there. This episode there’s an update on our Corellian Conflict campaign, and then coverage of the new Y-Wings Norra Wexley and Gold Squadron, plus the TIE Interceptors Ciena Ree and Saber Squadron.

Whew, see what I did there. This episode there’s an update on our Corellian Conflict campaign, and then coverage of the new Y-Wings Norra Wexley and Gold Squadron, plus the TIE Interceptors Ciena Ree and Saber Squadron.
New year, new episode! Fire When Ready is back, and starting off the new year with a brief recap of Vancouver regionals, then covering Biggs Darklighter and Black Squadron. Plus, a very feisty Admiral Ackbar. Jim promises the next episode will a matter of weeks away, too, not months. Enjoy!
Better late than never here at Fire When Ready, and here’s the latest with an in-depth look at the MC80 and the TIE Interceptor, plus more Advice from Admiral Ackbar and a little tribute at the end to a fallen spaceman.