Has it been two weeks already? Well, I guess that means it’s time for another show! This time I cover the Raider and the B-Wing with a league recap and a little store champs talk. Showpedoes away!

Has it been two weeks already? Well, I guess that means it’s time for another show! This time I cover the Raider and the B-Wing with a league recap and a little store champs talk. Showpedoes away!
Yep, that’s two episodes in two weeks! This one’s all about the Assault Frigate and the TIE Advanced, and I hope you all like it.
After this episode, I’ll be releasing them bi-weekly due to gearing up for store championships and some work duties taking up my time. So I’ll see you all back here in a fortnight!
I’m back, and I bring you tidings of a new episode! Ackbar’s back too, with a lot to say, plus a rundown on the ISD and the A-Wing. Enjoy!
My time has been occupied by personal life stuff, so no episode this week, sorry folks.
I’m back, and so is Fire When Ready. This time it’s that close-range powerhouse, the Gladiator, and the Rebel bomber extraordinaire, the Y-Wing. Plus some thoughts on the upcoming Championships, Ackbar’s Advice, and my voice still being a little more hoarse than usual. Enjoy!
Sorry, folks, I’ve been sick and I’m finally getting over this cold, but I’ve been too hoarse all week to record. Fire When Ready should be back to normal next week!
Better late than never here at Fire When Ready, and here’s the latest with an in-depth look at the MC80 and the TIE Interceptor, plus more Advice from Admiral Ackbar and a little tribute at the end to a fallen spaceman.
Due to the sad passing of High Lord Admiral Ziggy Stardust, this week’s episode is going to be delayed by a day or two.
I hope you had a happy holiday, but it’s back to work here at Fire When Ready. In this episode I talk about a concept I find helpful to understand, and then it’s an overview of the Nebulon-B and the TIE Bomber. It might be chilly outside, but that’s just reminding you that the cold void of space is waiting for you, so get out there and play some Armada!
This time I have a lot to say about the Victory Star Destroyer, I give my take on the X-Wing, and oh, yeah, there’s some movie that came out. All this plus some Armada Advice from a certain Admiral! This is a longer than normal episode, so buckle up!
Most likely there won’t be an episode next week due to the holidays, so I hope Santa fills all your fleet requisitions, commanders! Happy gaming!